
Top 5 Nintendo Switch Games in 2019

Best games for Nintendo switch

Nintendo Switch games

There is no doubt at this point that Nintendo has always maintained a very loyal fan base in the gaming industry. Other companies that compete in the industry at top levels are Microsoft with the Xbox consoles and Sony with the PlayStation consoles, but even when these companies are selling more numbers, Nintendo continues to be a solid investment for those who aim for fun above anything else when it comes to gaming.

The Nintendo Switch has become a very popular choice for those who are looking for a system that is both portable and can also be used on HDTV’s and the best thing about the system is that it offers a large library of hits that has taken the gaming world by storm.

Today, we will give you a list of what we consider to be some of the best games for the Switch.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

If there is one racing game that has never taken itself seriously, but has managed to gain some serious fan loyalty, it has to be no other than the Mario Kart Series. You are going to be having a blast with people online and offline with an arsenal of great weapons to beat your opponents and some of the best tracks that the series has seen in a very long time.

Donkey kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Just like Mario kart did for racing, Donkey Kong has done for platforming ever since the country series debuted on the Super Nintendo. This is the pinnacle of the platforming genre in terms of fun and appeal. Tropical Freeze combines everything that we love from older DK games and brings in some nice new mechanics to make the gameplay even more engaging.

Ultra Street Fighter 2

It was thanks to Street Fighter 2 that fighting games made it big in the arcades. The game was so good, that it received upgrades and updates for many years to come, and there was even an HD Remix version that was released a few years back. Now they have taken that HD version and upgraded it with new characters, new game modes and an incredibly fun and robust ranking system. Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Zangief, Guile, Cammy, Bison and Balrog are all back with the rest of the original Super Street Fighter cast. They also added an Evil Ryu and Violent Ken to make it even more challenging and unique.

Super Mario Odyssey

Those who remember the instant success of Mario 64 and the following success of Mario Sunshine are going to love Super Mario odyssey. This is a very unique experience that feels oddly familiar in gameplay but entirely different in terms of plot and freedom. A 3D Mario game that provides total freedom and some of the most inventive levels in 3D platforming. Consider this game an instant classic that any Nintendo Switch owner needs to purchase.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

We leave the best for last and there is a very good reason why we call this one the best Nintendo Switch game available on the market today. Legend of Zelda has been around for a very long time now and there is no way to deny that greatness that comes with the series. Gamers fell in love with Link and his adventures back in the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System. Breath of the Wild manages to bring everything they loved about the initial games and all of the elements of their greatest 3D titles. This is gaming at its finest with exploration and adventure at epic levels.

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Written by TechBuzr

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