
Capital Investment Advisors Decreased Apple Computer (AAPL) Holding By $894,375; Torchmark (TMK) Had 1 Bulls

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) Logo Capital Investment Advisors Llc decreased Apple Computer Inc (AAPL) stake by 4.5% reported in 2018Q3 SEC filing. Capital Investment Advisors Llc sold 3,975 shares as Apple Computer Inc (AAPL)’s stock declined 22.32%. The Capital Investment Advisors Llc holds 84,373 shares with $19.05M value, down from […]

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Written by TechBuzr

General Mls Com (GIS) Holder Clean Yield Group Upped Stake by $556,710; Cadinha & Co Increases Stake in Microsoft (MSFT)

General Mls Com (GIS) Holder Clean Yield Group Upped Stake by $556,710; Cadinha & Co Increases Stake in Microsoft (MSFT)

Partners Group Holding Ag Boosted American Tower (AMT) Holding; Shareholder Hartford Investment Management Co Boosted Nvidia (NVDA) Position

Partners Group Holding Ag Boosted American Tower (AMT) Holding; Shareholder Hartford Investment Management Co Boosted Nvidia (NVDA) Position